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Confirm Responses Before Submitting Form

If a multi-page form is made available to a user, is there a way to display the form responses to the user prior to submitting the form?

More specifically, can we offer a "confirmation page," which would display the user's responses, and therefore provide the user with an opportunity to make edits to the responses, before the user submits the form?

Any feedback or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Petros Petros
asked 05/10/2019 20:40

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  • Cody
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Last Activity 05/20/2019 21:43

1 Answer(s)

  • answered 05/14/2019 08:58
    Mandeep Singh
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    replied 05/20/2019 20:39

    Thank you for the insight. This workaround helps tremendously. As of now, it looks like this workaround is limited to the Textbox or Textarea Form Fields. I may be wrong, but it appears as though the 'Bind or update a single form field via JavaScript,' action does not work with the HTML Field. If this action did work with the HTML Field, it would be better, as the user would be unable to accidently change the content of the HTML Field.

    Mandeep Singh
    replied 05/20/2019 21:43

    What version of Live Forms are you using? 

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