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Live Visualizer file upload name in visualizer

We are using Live Visualizer to create a list of monthly financial docs that are required to be published. The Structure is simple, there is field for them to select the month, a field to type in the year, and then 2 file upload fields to upload the 2 required pdf documents. 

In the visualizer, we are using a table view, and have the column for Month, year, Monthly Financials, and Fund Balance, the last 2 of which have a link to the pdfs that are uploaded. In the table view, the link to the pdf is using the file name of the pdf that was uploaded. I wanted to have that be a generic name, so rather than listing in that column December 2016 Monthly Financials.pdf, I would rather it just say "Monthly Financials" and just link to that document that was uploaded. I have attached a screen shot to show how it is displaying now. 

I see in the master template for the visualizer for the <td>:

                        @Raw(row["Monthly Financials"])


but I am not sure of the correct syntax I would use to do what I am trying to achieve, so that it would no display the name of the file as the link text. 

The file upload would not let me add the screen shot, so here is a link to that:


Jerod Brown Jerod Brown
asked 06/29/2020 21:41
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Last Activity 07/01/2020 04:28

1 Answer(s)

  • answered 06/30/2020 05:19
    Ashish Pachori
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    Jerod Brown
    replied 06/30/2020 13:47

    Yes I see that, but that did not actually solve my problem. When I do that it still has the ".pdf" after it, and then it starts to add a 1,2 after them like it is a duplicate file. 

    Is there not a way in the Visualizer master template where I could do like a normal html link, that would be something like:

    <a href="@Raw(row["Monthly Financials"])">Monthly Financials</a>

    I have included a link to what the table looks like by using the File Name as suggested, so you can see where I am still having an issue.

    Ashish Pachori
    replied 07/01/2020 04:28

    It is not possible to hide/remove extension (pdf) of file at this time.

    Please add this to our Community Ideas

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