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4 replies

How to adjust Live Forums templates without site increment?

I'm attempting to make my own theme by modifying the default templates. When I edit any of the cshtml files, the changes aren't seen unless I increment a version in the Client Resource Management.

Is there something I can do to see the changes instantly?

RVC Webmaster RVC Webmaster
Published 06/13/2019 17:40
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Mariette Knap

For such work, I always have a staging site. It makes it easier to test things and not causing issues on a live site. I use VMWare workstation and have an exact copy of my production site.

replied 06/25/2019 07:24
Ashish Pachori

You will have to do Restart Application after edit in cshtml because these templates are cached.


replied 06/14/2019 11:14
RVC Webmaster

Is there another way you'd suggest? I'm going to be heavily modifying the forums, and restarting each time to see an update isn't practical.

replied 06/17/2019 17:00
Ashish Pachori

I am sorry, There is no other way to do it except restart application.

replied 06/18/2019 06:08

Last Activity 06/25/2019 07:24