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How to Initiate Support from Helpdesk?

There are times when I want to initiate a thread of support by sending a ticket to the customer. When I create a ticket, it does not show up in their dashboard, it is in my own.

How do you, anyone, create tickets and have the records assigned to the client UserID, rather than to your own UserID?

Intelligent Netware Intelligent Netware
Published 11/29/2019 02:27
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Ashish Pachori

It shows automatically in Dashboard on the bases of Category, Priority, Channel of the ticket.

If it is not showing then can you please check the error related to Live Helpdesk in event log or console.

replied 11/29/2019 12:17
Intelligent Netware

Yes, it does show up automatically for the user that created the ticket.

I'm hoping to find a way to create a ticket as ADMIN that will show up on the CUSTOMER helpdesk, not on the ADMIN.

I can change the user in the database row, but that's rather clunky and dangerous.

When our customers have a series of items to finish, I want to remind them of a single item, and not have ALL the items in a single ticket thread that they started - it becomes far too long of a support thread.



replied 11/30/2019 02:01
Mandeep Singh

That's not possible within Live Helpdesk. You can use our Live Utilities module to impersonate the user (Become User) and create ticket as the user. 

replied 12/02/2019 20:19

Last Activity 12/02/2019 20:19