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3 replies

Live Articles Sorting

Friends, could anyone suggest a solution for sorting Live Articles posts in the following scenario? 

We sort by post date descending, but we now have foreign language groups translating past articles, so a publish date sort doesn't work. Most blogging tools I've used allow a post date override, but I don't see that option in Live Articles. I tried adding a custom field with the format YYYYMMDD, but I can't see how to add that field as a sort option.

Appreciate any suggestions you have. Thank you. 


John Wolf John Wolf
Published 06/02/2020 15:06
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Ashish Pachori

There is no UI to override or change post date of articles at this time.

But you can change it from database through SQL quary from LiveArticles_Article_Version table.


replied 06/03/2020 12:14
John Wolf

Thanks, Ashish. Unfortunately, I don't know SQL. 

replied 06/03/2020 13:29
Ashish Pachori

Please run following SQL quary from Persona bar > Settings > SQL Console to update publish date of article.

update LiveArticles_Article set PublishedOn='2020-06-05 15:16:11.337' where ArticleID=(select TOP 1 ArticleID from LiveArticles_Article_Version where title='ArticleTitle')

Note: In above query you should specify your desired publish date and title of that article where the text is bold. 


replied 06/05/2020 10:32

Last Activity 06/05/2020 10:32