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2 replies

Live Visualizer - Grouping List Items

How would you recommend grouping table list items by category? For example, grouping FAQ items on various related topics. 

Is it possible to configure a list like you would group a SharePoint list, where one column is the group name and items automatically roll up and collapse into the groups? 

Thank you. 

John Wolf John Wolf
Published 08/17/2019 18:48
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Mandeep Singh

You can simply create a Category Field (dropdown) and add various topics. Visualizers can be filtered to show only a specific category.

I'm not familiar with SharePoint list so please further elaborate on roll up and collapse. Are you referring to an accordion kind of UI? If so, you're welcome to create any UI using any HTML, JS, Stylesheet. 

replied 08/18/2019 01:13
John Wolf

Thanks, Mandeep. One column would function like a report control break heading. So basically like an accordion, but automatically grouping items by the values in a column. In our case we have books translated into many languages and wanted to organize them by language and translation status. 

I think I'll try creating a single content structure with multiple visualizers filtered by language? Then I would add the language headings as HTML. 


replied 08/18/2019 16:09

Last Activity 08/18/2019 16:09