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3 replies

Live Visualizer

When Creating Structures, how do I create a reference to another structure?

Example: When creating a dropdown list, could I not use another structure to populate that list to be able to make a reference?


Created two structures Services and Areas

I want to be able to reference Areas when on a Service.

Steadyrain Steadyrain
Published 11/22/2019 16:59
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Mandeep Singh

Not possible at this time. Referencing other structures is something that is on roadmap for v2.x

replied 11/22/2019 17:17

So I wouldn't be able to reference another Structure at all? Even from the Visualizer?

I'm guessing maybe with tags?

replied 11/22/2019 17:34
Ashish Pachori

It is not possible at this time.

replied 11/28/2019 10:06

Last Activity 11/28/2019 10:06