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Liveform drop down to display users in a certain role but submit user ID


First off, excellent modules based on my evaluation thus far.

I am attempting to use live forms and I have created an action that has a SQL statement driving the loading of the drop down.

See my SQL below. I was trying to show the user the name of the user in role, and on form submit I would have liked to save the user role ID along with the form.

Can I do this with live forms?


SELECT    FirstName + ' ' + LastName + '|' +  CONVERT(varchar(5),UserRoleID) FROM dbo_UserRoles LEFT JOIN dbo_Users ON dbo_UserRoles.UserID = dbo_Users.UserID
LEFT JOIN dbo_TabPermission ON dbo_TabPermission.RoleID = dbo_UserRoles.RoleID
WHERE dbo_UserRoles.RoleID = 7




Pat B Pat B
Published 09/04/2019 11:54
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Mandeep Singh

You can show any data you like using the SQL Query. Any data mapped to the fields will automatically be saved as well. 

So if you need to save Role ID, create a textbox and map the data to it. It would be automatically saved at form submission. You can always hide this field if you don't want the end user to see it.

replied 09/04/2019 20:56
Pat B

Hello Mandeep

Thank you for your response.

However, its not quite what I was asking. I think I made a mistake in saying the "role id" should be save. Actually i want the "user id" to the saved.

In a dropdown list, i want the display to be the name of a person, but when the user clicks "Submit" button the user id should be saved.





replied 09/05/2019 01:47
Mandeep Singh

Create another textbox and in its default value use the token to show the UserID of the current user; it will be automatically saved upon submission. 

replied 09/05/2019 20:40

Last Activity 09/05/2019 20:40