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Non Fungible Token Group Membership Integration for DNN 9.2

I’d like to offer membership to my website with privileged access to tokenized content via ownership of an Non Fungible Token (NFT).

This would require users to save their wallet ID in a field on their website profile.   Then, when they log in or update  the wallet ID info, the website will check to see if they own an NFT for the groups they belong to.  

If they are a member of a give group and own and NFT for that group, then then they also get access to “paid content” posted in respective articles.

I imagine this will require a developer to have knowledge of various crypto wallet API’s so they can request NFT ownership information found in a user’s wallet.

Hope this makes sense 


Kraig Pakulski Kraig Pakulski
Published 02/11/2022 02:05
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Mandeep Singh

I imagine this will require a developer to have knowledge of various crypto wallet API’s so they can request NFT ownership information found in a user’s wallet.

Yes. You'll need custom development and integration with crypto wallet API to request NFT information.  

replied 02/17/2022 07:49

"Hope this makes sense "

yes, except for even getting involved in NFTs 

replied 02/17/2022 00:04

Last Activity 02/17/2022 07:49