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Add a CC(Carbon Copy) field to email actions in Live Forms

Live Forms create action that includes a BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) email address when sending email

Hi all. We want to be able to do is to send and email to the person who has completed the form whilst also BCCing in a separate address on form submission.

The use case is that we have a CRM system that will automatically attach a note to a client file based if it receives an email where the to address contains the clients email address.

As far as i can see there is no way to BCC an email address in Live Forms, can anyone point me in the right direction for how to do this

would also be very useful for testing to check on the output of an email autoresponder etc without the end user seeing you copied in. 

Bryan Bryan
published 07/29/2021 01:56

endorsed by
  • Cody
  • mic4458
  • Isaac Moscovich
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Last Activity 07/29/2021 01:56