Community > Ideas
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Avoid Bootstrap conflicts

Using a presentation framework for module functionalities always brings the risc of breaking the site. For example in my case I use a Bootstrap 4 skin and your module breaks some functionalities. It would be nice if the module uses a more modern version of Bootstrap. Or let the framework be part of the files that load in the folder where the Skins folder is resided.

Keston Pollard Keston Pollard
published 07/30/2020 17:24
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Mandeep Singh
replied 08/05/2020 21:48

For example in my case I use a Bootstrap 4 skin and your module breaks some functionalities.

We use our own custom iteration of Bootstrap with all CSS/JS code prefixed so there are no conflicts with stock Bootstrap. 

Please open a support ticket to address your particular concern. This is not an actionable idea.  

Last Activity 08/05/2020 21:48