Community > Ideas
Community Review

Execute Prompt Command action

It would open up some interesting possibilities if Live Forms had an action that could be used to execute Prompt commands.

If security were the concern because of these awesome superuser powers, perhaps the CRUD ability on that particular action could be limited to Host users only.

eswanzey eswanzey
published 04/22/2019 17:08
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Mandeep Singh
replied 04/22/2019 20:39

Live Forms can certainly execute prompt commands with an extension. It would definitely be limited to Superuser. However, such an extension would be limited to Superusers, Developers or Power Users, and those that are either hosting on a dedicated server or VM. That significantly reduces the community impact and reach of the extension; therefore, it must be sponsored. 

I'm going to keep this idea open if there's anyone else in the community that would like to sponsor such extension. Thanks

replied 04/22/2019 23:43

I mostly agree with you, but please consider an example use case that takes those above experts (superusers, developers, power users) and gives them the ability to create custom interfaces via Prompt actions whereby Live Forms (and therefore Live Visualizer) could be used in combination to become a UI for Prompt.

In other words, Live Forms + Live Visualizer (with Prompt actions) could be used to create highly customized interfaces for everyday users. It seems to me that the #1 use case would be as a set of custom page builders (with wizards!).

I can't imagine this wouldn't be wildly useful and popular.

Mandeep Singh
replied 04/25/2019 08:37

Are you referring to DNN Prompt

replied 04/25/2019 15:36

Yes, DNN Prompt. 

I'm also exploring the possibilities for building user administration areas - basically to set up an interface that presents a highly pre-filtered and customized view of user / profile data, with business rules embedded within the customized (Live Forms) interface. I realize that the Live Forms SQL/Execute SQL action goes a long way towards providing the necessary tooling. It's just that DNN Prompt would just make it hugely easier to perform many of the same tasks, and would be much less susceptible to breakage since any core breaking changes would be taken care of by DNN Prompt updates.

I also believe it to be a safer alternative than raw sql and SPROCs in many cases. For example, a single DNN Prompt command entry could replace dozens of lines of tsql and achieve the same thing. I would much rather have a client working with a simple command string than a tsql entry filled with ifs and thens.

Mandeep Singh
replied 04/26/2019 10:54

Makes sense. I'm going to change this to Community Review rather than Community Sponsored. Let's have the community vote for this one. 

Last Activity 04/26/2019 10:54