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Live HelpDesk update ticket link that doesn't require login

You know sometimes you get emails from companies that you purchased things and they have links that when you click them you don’t have to login to see the information? Those links expire but save you login. \

It would be great if LHD did this for the link in the upper right hand of the email template. It would need to be specific to the user receiving the notification. Maybe to an instance of LHD designed for this if not the main instance.

published 12/18/2018 15:54
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Mandeep Singh
replied 12/18/2018 23:20

I do like this idea but this would require considerable amount of work from security point of view. We'll need to make sure that such system cannot be exploited but malicious users. 

Otherwise, a token can be included in the URL that will auto-login the user. Unfortunately, we can't login the user for a specific module; we'll have to log them in to the entire DNN Site. 

I'll keep this suggestion open for community review. Thanks

Last Activity 12/18/2018 23:20