Community > Ideas
Under Review

Live Slider - Two Additions: Slide Date Range and Relative URLs

I wish to propose two additions to the Mandeeps LiveSlider module: the ability to set start and end dates and times and the ability to assign relative URL’s when setting links.

 Slide Start and End Date/Time

Currently, there is no automated way to set a slide to start showing and stop at a given time and date. It must be manually changed at the appropriate time if a specific time is in mind. In many cases, we have deals that start at midnight and would enjoy the ability to set the time to go up rather than to adjust manually at that specific time.

Relative URL Assignment

Regarding links, the entire URL including the domain is necessary currently.


 I would ask this validation removed, or a check to prefer absolute or relative links. We utilize aliases for our site for users in Canada and Australia (.ca and However, many users still prefer the original .com in the domain. As it stands, I may only provide a URL that includes the domain which excludes some of our user base from following the link without, in some cases, requiring the need to relog into this new domain.

Thank you for your consideration.

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published 12/11/2020 15:43
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Last Activity 12/11/2020 15:43