Community > Ideas

LSF Backend: Edit Products: Activate Breadcrumb navigation

When you edit a product in the backend of Live StoreFront between the main menu and the product details appear a kind of "Breadcrumb Navigation" which looks like: 

Catalog / Products / Productname 

Every user of our client (but also including myself) tries to click on "Product" in that navigation to get back to the product list. I understand that, because I think thats a usual and learned behavior of Web-GUI-Users. So the "Idea" or wish for a really small enhancement would be: make the word "Product" clickable, and let the user so quickly go back to the product list. You would only need one click instead of two (Menu "Catalog" + "Products") saves time, and improve the usability. What do you think!? 

PS: I can not upload images here in the File Attachments section below. The progress bar goes green and than back to zero. We experienced the same behavior in LSF product image upload when there were no rights in the directory for the user-group to write to the destination-directory. Maybe you can take a look at that too.. ;-)

Markus Brenner Markus Brenner
published 12/08/2020 16:24
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Mandeep Singh
replied 12/08/2020 18:30

I agree. Accepting this idea. 

We'll look into the attachments issue. 

Last Activity 12/08/2020 18:30