Community > Ideas

Provide a checkbox in the LC module to disable icons related to ratings

In many cases the group for four-icons and the string of stars that allow visitors to see how a given media element has been rated by visitors is not wanted by the client. Hence, it would be good if this feature could simply be turned OFF with a check-box. Without this ability in a GUI, it is necessary to edit lots of template files and to have a system in place to restore these changes after a module update.

Daniel Bigelow Daniel Bigelow
published 01/16/2019 15:40

endorsed by
  • Cody
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replied 01/31/2019 15:20

I think it's already in the GUI, just hiding in plain sight.

Go to Manage / Basic / Comments (hiding in there). In Comments, look in the Settings Tab to Enable / Disable Ratings.

As an alternative, update your LiveContent table and set EnableRating=0

Mandeep Singh
replied 01/31/2019 22:00

Thanks Eric. Will mark this as completed. 

Daniel Bigelow
replied 02/01/2019 09:30

I am aware of the UI settings in the Comments tab. However, these settings are sometimes ignored, for example in the case of a page whose URL contains parameters such as


On the above page, the “LiveContent - General Category” module displays the rating icons despite the fact that in Manage settings we see Enable Rating = NO, Comments = Disabled. To confirm, I checked the state of EnableRating in the LiveContent table of the database for modID=5980. As expected it is set to False. Hence, a direct change to the database is not a solution.

Bottom line: The problem remains.   

Mandeep Singh
replied 01/17/2019 05:16

I like your suggestion but it requires us to update all themes to support the UI switch. I'll keep this open for community input. 

Last Activity 02/01/2019 09:30