Subtotal: $63,721.00
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Fixed: Showing multiple form with Square extension, Zip code validation with zip 4 code, Related products deletes after cancel order and improved by adding noindex meta tag in case of "Not Visible Individually" product
New: Automatic emails to customers with abandoned carts, Export built-in reports to CSV, Copy product to a new product, Ability to set default catalog view to Grid or List
Fixed: Add same category multiple times while import, Order Loading very slow if number of order item product is greater than 20, Checkout widget multiple redirect when Force Guest Checkout is set to (Yes), Import Export marketing products, Same category imported multiple times
Fixed: Navigation widget throwing error if you disable Include Children option, Best Sellers products showing in every instance of Live StoreFront
Improved: Specifications input text field styling, Unnecessary query string parameters in paging urls | Fixed: Product list displaying without tax, On Hold Orders are not being cancelled upon expiration, Price with customer enter value not working, Products are being displayed even if user does not have permission
New: Enhanced structured data for rich snippets, Added SKU to sales by product report | Improved: Remove Telerik reference | Fixed: Incorrect sales tax when applying a promo code after order has been placed, Cache issue required reprocessing an order twice, Discrepancy in graph and chart in sales over time report (year to date)
New: Enhanced structured data for rich snippets, Added SKU to sales by product report | Fixed: Incorrect sales tax when applying a promo code after order has been placed, Cache issue required reprocessing an order twice, Discrepancy in graph and chart in sales over time report (year to date), Cancelled on date and time is visible even after the order is reinstated, Validation error w/radio button & checkbox variations, Deleted products were included in product export
New: Export orders now include Tax Exempt, Expiry Date, and Tax Permit # columns for customer, Export orders now include OrderShippingTax & OrderTotalTax columns, Export products now include SKU and InStock Quantity for all variations, Export products now include Display Order column | Fixed: Template to correctly show stock availability when display quantity is no, Export orders dates are in UTC rather than local time, Automatic look up with postal code when Zip+4 is not available (USA Only), Exported CSV files break with double quotes ("), Invalid structured data JSON for products with description that has double quotes ("), Product Visibility set to "Not Individually Visible" should NOT appear in Live StoreFront Sitemap
Live StoreFront 2 Released
New: Force user to checkout as guest, Apply a different template for Category, Navigation, and Products Query Widget, Ability to change template for certain widgets | Improved: By default, Euro sign now appears before the pricing. It can be moved after the price by changing the locale in currency,Multiple specification options are now shown separated by a comma on a single line | Fixed: Unable to browse server in HTML Editor, Fixed: Unable to upload product images w/custom permissions