Support Center

On Form Submission

Action execute after a form has been submitted

Actions are executed in the order they are shown.

Communication > Send Email: Provide the to email address, subject, from address and a body. Use the personalization dropdown to add form data.


You can add as many Send Email actions as you like – sending multiple emails for each form submission. Optionally, you can add conditions sending different emails to different users based on user input. For example, send sales email to sales department and support emails to support department.

Http Post




DNN > Add Role: User submitting the form will be automatically added to the DNN Security Role specified. Both effective and expiry dates are optional.


DNN > Remove Role: User submitting the form will be automatically removed from the DNN Security Role specified.


HTTP > Post Data: Specified name/value pairs will be posted to the specified URL. Use the personalization dropdown to add form data. Allows you to post the submitted data to another URL, service, or external system.


HTTP > Redirect: Redirects the user to specified URL after submitting the form.

Note: There can only be a single Redirect action unless the conditions differ. Be sure that the redirect message appears as the last action to execute.


Messaging > Show Message: Shows the specified message to the user after the form has been submitted. Same as Thank You message but allows you to show different messages based on user choices.


Scripting > Execute Specified JavaScript will be executed after the user submits the form.


SQL > Execute Query: Specified SQL Query will be executed after the user submits the form. You can execute the query against the default DNN Database (SiteSqlServer) or your own specified connection string in web.config


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Updated on Wed, 30 Jan 2019 by Ashish Pachori