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From SQL Query

Live Accordion is extremely flexible and can be customized in many ways by advanced users. One of the features of Live Accordion is to create panes using a SQL Query. Simply provide the SQL Query and Live Accordion generates panes out of data returned by SQL Query. Watch the video below to get started.


Step 1

Navigate to Manage > Administration > Mode > Select SQL Query from drop-down
Select Connection (Default DNN Database is SiteSqlServer) and provide your SQL Query.

SQL Query

Required Alias: SQL Query must have 'Name' alias which is used for the Pane's Name
For Example: Let's say you have following SQL Query:
SELECT Title, FirstName, LastName  FROM Employees
Now if we wanted to create a pane for each employee with their last name then the query would look like:
SELECT Title, FirstName, LastName as Name  FROM Employees (Notice that we gave Lastname an alias of Name which tells Live Accordion to use it as Pane's Name)
Available Aliases:
Name: Pane's Name
Content: Pane's HTML Content
Header: Pane's HTML Header. If specified, it will be used instead of Pane's Name
Link: Pane's Link. Must be an absolute URL such as
Search Summary: Search summary for DNN Search. If provided, pane will automatically be included for DNN Search Index. 
LoadOnDemand: This must be a bit field and requires 0 or 1 specifying whether the tab load's on demand.

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Updated on Thu, 15 Mar 2018 by Ishita Gupta