Support Center

Delivery Settings

The most fundamental feature of Live Campaign is to deliver emails. These settings ensure that every effort has been made to deliver each and every individual email.

Navigate to Live Campaign module > Administration > Server

Delivery Settings

Retry Count

How many times should Live Campaign attempt to send a particular email message before marking it as undeliverable due to an error (such as SMTP error, server reboot, application restart, etc…) By default, Live Campaign will attempt to send a message 3 times but this value can be adjusted based on your network reliability.

Retry Elapse

Time between retries on sending an email message that couldn’t be delivery on previous attempt. By default, Live Campaign will attempt to send the message 1 hour later but this value can be adjusted based on your network reliability.

Note: We DO NOT recommend changing these settings. These settings should only be changed to address a particular situation or issues with network reliability.

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Updated on Thu, 28 Jun 2018 by Ashish Pachori