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Elements Sorting

Here you can change theme Elements Sorting, slideshow, paging, sorting and many more..

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Sort By: (Default: Drag & Drop)

It allows you to sort the elements based on its metadata

For Example: Date Created sort the elements in order in which elements were created.

Available options are Captions, Custom Data, Date Approved, Date Created, Date Updated, Title and Views.

How to sort elements by custom data?

  • Create Custom field
  • Open CustomSorting.xml file from DesktopModules/LiveContent/Themes/YourSelectedTheme/
  • Specify Custom field name at <CustomDataField></CustomDataField>
  • Specify DataType name (like int,datetime and nvarchar(50)) at <CustomDataType></CustomDataType>

Example: Suppose custom field name is test and its data type will be integer then you should specify as below in xml file 


Sort Order: (Default: Descending)

It allows you to sort the elements in ascending or descending order.

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Updated on Thu, 07 Jan 2021 by Ashish Pachori