Live Forms release log shows what's new, bug fixes, and other changes for each released version.
v8.0.6 - 10/29/2024
- Profile Photo not being updated in Update Profile action
v8.0.5 - 09/20/2024
- Added aria-required attribute in input fields
- Timeout error while updating Live Visualizer records
v8.0.3 - 06/10/2024
- CC/BCC unable to use with field tokens
v8.0.0 - 05/06/2024
- Encrypt all user submissions in database
- Option to enable or disable actions
- Option to CC/BCC in email action
- Word counter in textarea field
- HTML editor is now available in bind field action
- Loading icon
v7.0.7 - 11/07/2023
- Improved: Prevent submitting form while uploading files
- Fixed: Fields not into JArray.Parse error
- Fixed: Checkbox and Radiobutton text not rendering with server side action
v7.0.5 - 7/10/2023
- Automatically removes orphan files that were uploaded via File Upload but never submitted
- Unable to upload file with Secure folder (Azure) when Organize By Submission Folder is selected
- Datetime field not working correctly
v7.0.3 - 5/1/2023
- Show/Hide Page Break field
- Unable to add Redirect action
- Unable to update any action when using conditions
v7.0.2 - 3/15/2023
- Critical security update (possible unauthorized data exposure)
v7.0.1 - 3/1/2023
- Show/Hide field spacing issue in multi columns
v7.0.0 - 02/23/2023
- On Form Submission Action to Change Workflow Status Based on Conditions
- Option to Upload & Organize Files by Submission ID in File Upload Field
- Option to Overwrite Files in File Upload Field
- Option to Set Default Country in Address Field
- Option to Exclude Country in Address Field
- PasteBase64 Plugin in HTML Editor Field to Copy & Paste Images
- Copy Existing Action New: Hide Metadata (IP Address, Submission ID, Submission GUID) from Submissions
- Visual Confirmation Before Turning Off Submissions
v6.3.7 - 02/20/2023
- Error message when adding incorrect card number in stripe extension
v6.3.6 - 10/14/2022
- Unable to filter submissions
- Unable to change Execute option in any of the actions
- Javascript action token does not replace in html attributes
v6.3.2 - 06/07/2022
- Token not replacing while localizing field
- Unable to upload files on IOS devices
- Unable to export reference fields
- Duplicate columns in submission list
- Multiple Electronic Signature fields not working
- Server side actions not working with Save & Resume option
v6.2.6 - 02/14/2022
- Conditions based on Single & Multiple reference fields in actions in Live Visualizer
- Restrict server side action while editing submissions in Live Visualizer
- Thanks message issue for reference fields in Live Visualizer
- HTML editor issue
- Email not sent if Reply To Email field not selected in notifications
v6.1.4 - 10/04/2021
- Validation issue with hash value in text field
v6.1.3 - 09/20/2021
- IsTagIn & IsTagNotIn conditions
- IsInLast, IsInNext, IsToday conditions
- Filtering by multiple groups of conditions
- Compatible with Live Visualizer 2
- Authorize .NET hosted payment issue
- Save and resume issue with large form
- Datetime conditions
v6.0.8 - 07/06/2021
- Option to restrict Notification Email to User
- Add custom redirect option after registration
v6.0.5 - 05/25/2021
- Query string token removed from Default value of field if update action
- Default value of checkbox retains it value while save and resume
v6.0.3 - 04/06/2021
- ADA compilence issue with radiobutton and checkbox
- Unable to moderate in Live Visualizer
v6.0.1 - 03/23/2021
- Unable to hide label while using multi-column layout
- reCaptcha error in console
v6.0.0 - 03/19/2021
- ADA Section 508 & WCAG 2.1 compliance
- Tags Field
- DateTime Filter Conditions: IsEqualToDate, NotEqualToDate, Before, After, IsToday, IsInNext (Days), IsInLast (Days)
- SubmissionID column in view and export submissions
- Option to delete all submissions
v5.9.18 - 03/10/2021
- Unable to see submission Result UI
- Unable to change status
v5.9.16 - 01/18/2021
- Replace DNN tokens issue
- Default value of field removes when update server side action
- Currency field issue
v5.9.12 - 12/01/2020
- Implement cache on page view
- Removed Telerik reference
- Expiry date issue in Add Role
- From Email issue in Email Alert
- Issue with large number of rows and colmuns in Matrix field
v5.9.7 - 09/21/2020
- Linkable File Upload token
- Email notification not working
- Prevent SQL injection in validate Execute SQL action
v5.9.4 - 07/23/2020
- Save & Resume does not retain the value for Other textbox in case of radiobutton, checkbox and currency field
- Unable to update SQL client side validation action message
- Author Name and GUID added in submissions
- Show Heading name in show/hide action
v5.9.3 - 06/02/2020
v5.9.2 - 05/07/2020
- List localization issue
- Unable to edit in Structure of Visualizer once it saved
v5.9.0 - 03/04/2020
- Electronic Signature field hidden on localhost
- Datetime field issue in salesforce extension
v5.8.9 - 22/01/2020
- Retain Control State
- Skip to page not working when Navigation enabled
v5.8.7 - 12/26/2019
- Bind fileupload in save and resume
v5.8.6 - 12/03/2019
- Upload profile action returning fails
- Execute Sql not binding dropdown with visualizer
v5.8.3 - 10/21/2019
- Force to change password issue
- Email alert deletion issue
- Skip to page issue
v5.7.9 - 10/01/2019
- In Live Visualizer, Hide thank you message after submission if client side action not available.
- Wrong email send in case of varified ragistration
- Dynamic Dropdown binding issue
- Matrix tick image issue
- Deleting form field issue
- Token replaced with GUID in Actions
- In Live Visualizer, Hide thank you message after submission if client side action not available.
v5.7.4 - 08/16/2019
- Issues related compabity to Live Visualizer
v5.7.3 - 08/13/2019
v5.7.0 - 07/26/2019
- Save and resume links can be expired after "x" days
- Compatible with live visualizer
- Display thumbnails in file upload control
- Asset field with allow multiple and max allowed options
- Currency field is now available in condition builder with greater than less than condition
- Time field has 24 hours option
- Submission UI performance
- Client side actions performance issue
- Add Replace DNN tokens options in Email alert
- Save & Resume email send from Admin email address
- Multiple file uploads in UI when configured as allow single file
- Multi-column resize issue
- File not deleted once uploaded in File upload control
- Phone number field not build in JavaScript
- Save & Resume Later issue with datetime field
- Checkbox/Radio button client side script issue in case of IsEmpty and Not Selected every option
- 'LiveFormCaptcha' throws invalid characters outside of the script tags
v5.5.0 - 05/13/2019
- Required field issue in ckEditor
- Fields maping issue in register and update profile action
- Design tool visibility issue in small screen
v5.4.5 - 04/30/2019
- File path issue
- Fields are not saving in design mode
v5.4.1 - 04/01/2019
- Unable to export submission on IE
- Show filename instead of file path while uploading to a secure folder
- Secure folder file link issue
- HTML decode issue in show message action
- Campatible with IE
- Remove 'Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.dll'
- Datetime issue in submission
- Data wise filter in submission issue
- Custom validation on email field
- Make work currency field in mobile divices
v5.2.6 - 02/21/2019
- Multiple show/hide action bind issue
- Submission result ui issue
- CheckBox and Radio button responsive issue
v5.1.6 - 02/01/2019
- Modern Web Patterns, Unified UI, and DNN Future Ready
- Integration w/Mandeeps HTML Editor
- Multi Column forms with drag and drop support to resize, move, and rearrange fields.
- Auto save feature to automatically save any changes to the form
- Workflow & Moderation. Create custom statuses with ability to specify a default one. Moderators are notified to review and update statuses.
- Supports custom token name for each field
- Supports custom CSS class for each field
- Assets field to allow selection of an existing file; option for quick upload
- HTML Editor field powered by Mandeeps Common Library
- Page Break navigation to show progress with options to include page titles, bullets, percentage completed, and x of y
- Invisible Google Re-Captcha
- Password strength meter for password field
- Additional minutes selection in time field
- Mask input value of a textbox field
- RegEx validation with email field
- Custom validation with textarea field
- Update DNN Profile action
- Execute actions when a submission status is changed. Ability to send an email or notify a moderator.
- From Name and Reply To option in notifications and email action
- Ability to execute stored procedure in Execute SQL action
- Email and Phone number fields are now included in JavaScript action
- Hidden fields are now included in all actions
- Common fields are now available in SQL action
- Filter and export submissions by date range
- Max size of file upload is in KB rather than MB
- Removed br tag from end of the path of attached file (File Upload)
- Removed date from time field
- Update countries list with (Text|Value) for DNN Profile Integration
- DNN role action expiry date issue
- Export issue with large dataset
v4.7.0 - 12/06/2018
- Critical security update (file upload by unauthenticated users)
v4.6.4 - 10/01/2018
- Register profile field matching issue
v4.6.2 - 07/31/2018
- Knowledgebase related articles API issues
v4.6.0 - 06/27/2018
- Compatible with Zoho Helpdesk and Shopify Multipass Extension
v4.5.6 - 04/25/2018
- Unable to delete fields once added
v4.5.5 - 04/20/2018
- Compatible with DNN 9.2.0
v4.5.3 - 04/06/2018
v4.5.2 - 03/20/2018
v4.5.1 - 02/01/2018
- PageBreak not working on Mozilla Firefox
- Unable to create a new list
- Validation on radiobutton and checkbox in case of other
- Scroll page position issue with page break
- File upload attached to email action
- Option to uncheck "Replace DNN Standard Tokens"
v4.4.0 - 12/20/2017
- Evalutate JavaScript issue
- Email alert edit & update issue
- Server map path issue in field on fileupload control
v4.3.8 - 9/20/2017
- Http post issue
- Unable to save language on DNN 9.1.1
v4.3.6 - 9/01/2017
- Submission tab load issue
v4.3.5 - 7/27/2017
- Compatible with Electronic Signature
- Check-box value bind 'YES' Additional in form response
v4.3.4 - 7/19/2017
- Integration with Live knowledgebase
v4.3.2 - 06/22/2017
- Missing alt tag on loading image.
- Evaluate javascript server-side action.
- Solve submission tab UI.
v4.3.0 - 06/09/2017
- Critical security update (file upload by unauthenticated users)
v4.0.5 - 03/03/2017>
- Credit Card Field
- Currency Field
- Calculate Field or Token using the new "Bind or Update field using JavaScript" action
- Display calculated token anywhere on the page. For example: Your cart total is: $250.00
- Optionally specify different values from text for Radiobutton, Checkbox, and Dropdown fields
- [Field:text] tokens for Radiobutton, Checkbox, and Dropdown fields
- User interface for detailed action results of each submission including remote response, information, warnings, and errors
v3.4.6 - 12/22/2016
- Actions reporting/results in SubmissionActionResult column
- Performance with large set of submissions
- DNN Registeration action does not retain action name
- Actions are not executed in the order shown in grid
- Drag and drop of actions results in deletion of email alerts, thank you message, redirect, and login actions
v3.4.0 - 11/15/2016
New Features
- Granular permissions to define security roles that can View, Delete, Export Submissions, and Design form.
- Execute condition. If All/Any/Immediately Prior action is skipped (Not Executed)
- Bind multiple form fields by executing a SQL Query before form is displayed
- Form Validation Actions. Validate form before accepting the submission with ability to reject submission and show an error message
- Execute a SQL Query or Stored Procedure to run custom validation logic and return a validated output.
- Compare the values of two fields using several pre-defined comparators.
- Map dropdowns, checkbox, countries, and region fields to DNN Profile Fields
- Register a new DNN User and new user tokens are available for use in subsequent actions. Create a single form to register a user on DNN, push the data to Salesforce, MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, or Constant Contact.
- Loading icon appears after form is submitted until all actions have been processed
- Specify a custom name for each action
- Sticky control bar and properties for long forms makes it easier to design forms.
v2.4.7 - 16/8/2016
- Fixed: Only properly formatted script tags can be registered
v2.4.5 - 07/05/2016
- Single quote in the SQL parameter is throwing off the parsing of the text
- File upload does not work after validation error
- Required fields in user profile leads to block user
- Recaptcha preventing next action to execute
- Improvement in execution of DNN registration
- Thank you message popup compatibility with DNN8
v2.3.0 - 03/02/2016
- Localized other text for checkbox list
- Improvements in execution of dynamic sql queries with dnn tokens
v2.2.0 - 12/28/2015
New Features
- On login firstname and lastname of profile property was updating
- Verification was not working when DNN Membership was set to Verified
- SQL Query validation errors when adding new On Form Submission action
- File upload control throws javascript error
- Space between displayname (FirstName and LastName)
- Register action shows deleted profile fields
- Existing submissions are missing post upgrade to v2.0
- Error adding register action with custom profile fields
- AJAX Handler authentication is now Web Farm compatible
v2.1.0 - 12/07/2015
New Features
- Dynamic Fields: update fields by executing a SQL Query at initial page load or when another field updates
- DNN Registeration: create minimal or complex registeration forms with DNN Profile integration. Add users to security roles based on their responses
- DNN Login: break free from default login controls and create a customized theme to match your site's look and feel
- Save & Resume Later: allows a user to save their work when filling out long forms and resume it a later date and time
- Option to save submissions in localized language (default behavior) or in default language
- Action Result & Execute Conditions: actions can be executed based on the previous action(s) results
- Ability to turn off automatic submissions (so data is not stored in the database) and sent via email only or processed with other actions
- Improved hover text positioning and visibility on input focus
- Ability to hide labels on specific fields
- Ability to enforce a min length on phone field with a mask
- Localized datepicker dropdown
- Popup theme issue with some DNN Themes
- Rating could only be clicked once. User can now change its value
- Allow other was not working with checkbox field
- Datefield was not submitting its data correctly with datepicker
- DNN Tokens were not replacing in URL Redirect action
- Issue with binding and updating email alerts due to space in alert name
- Compatibility issue with Bootstrap
V1.5.5 - 11/17/2015
- Do no validate hidden fields on client side
- Action were not working with checkbox list
- Validation of TLD emails
- Increased range of years in datetime picker
- Do not show hidden email fields in Notifications and Email alerts
V1.5.0 - 07/31/2015
- Date field populates incorrect values when clicked outside of calendar items
- Validation occurs on disabled fields within address field
V1.4.1 - 06/30/2015
- Fixed checkbox, textbox design issue
V1.4.0 - 06/29/2015
- Fixed required validation with checkbox field
- Able to execute multiple actions with different conditions using a checkbox list
- Able to add multiple actions with same conditions
- Able to use tokens in email notifications
- Able to add actions with no conditions specified
- Visual clues for inline editing with ability to accept or cancel changes
- Email validation is now compatible with new TLDs
- Improved dialog compatibility with URL Rewriter
- Date field value is now formatted correctly and excludes time if it was not required
v1.3.0 - 06/11/2015
- Validation message removes existing action conditions
- HTML encoding in Sub Heading & Sub Labels in design view
- Fixed Multi Language bugs with Checkbox, Radiobutton, Dropdown & Actions
- File Upload link is not correct when using a folder other than Default
- Email validation is now compatible with new TLDs
v1.2.0 - 04/21/2015
- Form scrolls up to bring the "Thank You" message in view after form submission
- Tokens/Labels with apostrophe (single quote) were not replaced in Send Email action and breaks Manage UI
- Renamed .icon class in designer which caused conflicts with other skins using same class name
- Watermark did not work if it has a single quote (apostrophe) in it
- Fixed jScrollPane undefined JavaScript in Designer
- Unable to use Field Tokens in To/From in Send Email Action (Server Validation Prevents Saving Action)
- Attachments & File Uploads URL now works correctly for filenames with spaces
- Google Re-Captcha does not appear until page is refreshed
- DNN Standard Tokens now work in default value of fields
- Personalization dropdown is now fixed width
v1.1.0 - 04/07/2015
New Feature
- * [LF-286] - URL Query Parameter Tokens & Submission ID Token
- * [LF-287] - Export submissions
- * [LF-288] - Delete one or multiple submissions
- * [LF-300] - Specify "Mobile Under" value in pixels
- * [LF-12] - Informational tooltips in designer for built-in documentation
- * [LF-162] - Two way (client & server Side) validation of captcha
- * [LF-202] - Validate special characters in list localization
- * [LF-226] - Matrix field now has "Required" validation
- * [LF-227] - Cannot change rating star once clicked
- * [LF-238] - Hover Text was not completely visible in design mode
- * [LF-259] - Shows individual field validation messages (server side) instead of generic message
- * [LF-268] - Form no longer jumps on initial display
- * [LF-279] - Improved localization handling for deleted fields and empty labels
- * [LF-283] - Actions grid no longer breaks when sorting (drag and drop)
- * [LF-289] - Form does not jump when showing validation messages
- * [LF-290] - Use multiple captcha field with multi page forms (page break)
- * [LF-293] - Improved IE 11 design compatibility
- * [LF-292] - Unable to see field properties overlay (such as dropdown options) in certain DNN Themes
- * [LF-294] - Unable to update form in IE 11 (overwrites existing form)
- * [LF-302] - Tokens with special characters such as apostrophe were not replaced in Send Email action
- * [LF-303] - Birthdate field should only show date - no time.
- * [LF-304] - Unable to update actions (Send Email) without optional conditions
v1.0.0 - 03/23/2015
The easiest, quickest, and most intuitive form builder for DNN Platform. You’ll be creating forms in no time with a true Drag & Drop WYSIWYG designer.