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Import categories

Import categories and its other details from Manage > Catalog > Categories

Tip: CSV file does not need to be in a specific format
CSV file can have any number of columns in any order; just make sure there is a header for each column name. 

To import categories

  1. From Manage, go to Catalog > Categories
  2. From the Categories page, click Import
  3. Click Choose File and upload your CSV File
  4. Map each column in CSV file that you would like to import to the appropriate category column or load an existing map file. Click Preview Data
  5. Verify the data and click on Import

Tip: Save Map File for automatic mapping in subsequent imports 
If you will be importing categories on a recurring basis from a similar formatted CSV file then be sure to click Save Map File. You can use this saved map file to automatically map the columns on subsequent imports.  

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Updated on Wed, 19 Sep 2018 by Khushi Singh