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Calculate shipping by weight

Add a new shipping rate by weight for a specific postal code, region, or country.

To calculate shipping rate by weight:

  1. Configure Fixed Shipping extension. In Rates section, Click Add New
  2. Select Shipping Method from available methods. Manage Shipping Methods
  3. Select Country, Region, and type in a Postal Code
  4. Select By Weight for Shipping Rate and type in the Rate Per Weight Unit to charge. 

You can use the Country, Region, and Postal Code in any combination to create flexible shipping rates. 

Leave Country, Region, and Postal Code blank to target all countries, regions, and postal codes. 
Specify only a Country and leave Region and Postal Code blank to target an entire county

You can also override. For example, create a shipping rate for "United States" for flat $5 per pound. Create another shipping rate for "United States" & "Alaska" for $10 per pound to override Alaska. 

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Updated on Wed, 27 Mar 2019 by Mandeep Singh