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Live Tabs Token

LiveTabs specific Tokens are available for use in:

  • Content
  • Tab Header



  • [LiveTabs:tabname]

    Always returns Tab Name even if "Show Tab Header" is checked. Example: "First Tab"

  • [LiveTabs:tabid]

    Returns unique Tab Id of the tab. Example: 3

  • [LiveTabs:tabnumber]

    Returns Tab Number. Use in conjunction with tabcount to show Tab x of y. Example: 4

  • [LiveTabs:tabcount]

    Returns total count of Tabs. Use in conjunction with tabnumber to show Tab x of y. Example: 7

  • [LiveTabs:tabindex]

    Return Zero Based Tab Index. This is same as tabnumber - 1. Example: 3

  • [LiveTabs:nexttablink]

    Renders HTML Code to create a link to next tab with next tab name. Renders empty string for last tab.
    Example: <a href="#" onclick="jQuery('#LiveTabsWrapper345').tabs('select',2); return false;">Next Tab Name</a>

  • [LiveTabs:nexttablinkrepeat]

    Same as [LiveTabs:nexttablink] but repeats through the tabs. Last tab will jump back to the first tab.

  • [LiveTabs:prevtablink]

    Renders HTML code to create a link to previous tab with previous tab name. Renders empty string if previous tab does not exist.
    Example: <a href="#" onclick="jQuery('#LiveTabsWrapper345').tabs('select',0); return false;">Previous Tab Name</a>

  • [LiveTabs:prevtablinkrepeat]

    Same as [LiveTabs:prevtablink] but repeats through the tabs. First tab will jump back to the last tab.

  • [LiveTabs:nexttabscript]

    Renders JavaScript function to select the next tab.Use it with onclick or function.
    Example: jQuery('#LiveTabsWrapper345').tabs('select',2); return false;

  • [LiveTabs:nexttabscriptrepeat]

    Same as [LiveTabs:nexttabscript] but repeats through the tabs. Last tab will jump back to the first tab.

  • [LiveTabs:prevtabscript]

    Renders JavaScript function to select the previous tab. Use it with onclick or function
    Example: jQuery('#LiveTabsWrapper345').tabs('select',0); return false;

  • [LiveTabs:prevtabscriptrepeat]

    Same as [LiveTabs:prevtabscript] but repeats through the tabs. First tab will jump to the last tab.

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Updated on Fri, 16 Mar 2018 by Ishita Gupta