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DNN platform able to create login with Username or Email with Live Forms

I am curious if I can create a live forms login page like yours with DNN Platform so it can allow Username or Email address and if so what are the DNN settings needed to allow.

For example does it need to have the email as username switch off or on in site settings?

Cody Cody
asked 05/23/2018 19:10
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Last Activity 04/08/2019 20:06

1 Answer(s)

  • answered 05/24/2018 08:53
    Mandeep Singh
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    AP Circuits
    replied 04/07/2019 19:47

    Please consider adding an example for "creating a simple login" before starting a form. Allowing profile data to be retrieved and used within the form.

    I've located "on form submission"-> Add Action->> DNN ->login, which implies the user logs in after completing the form.
    On the surface it would seem a landing page is required to log the user in before providing access to the form to allow User:Data and Profile:Data
    to populate fields.

    If the user is not logged in, on completion of a form, can we also see an example of a user option to register and save the form data.
    We know the user must pass DNN's unique user ID challenge on new registrations. 

    This is one area that appears intentionally vague in documentation for LiveForms. Was that a security consideration?

    Mandeep Singh
    replied 04/08/2019 20:06

    You need to have separate forms to register, login, or update profile. You can't combine all 3 of these into 1 form.

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