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Paypal: recurring payment report

Is there a way to setup Recurring payment in Paypal and also get a report if the payment was successful or failed? This is for member subscription to DNN portal or group

Is it possible in Social to create paid groups?  

How else could i get this status?

Thanks for your response :-) and I look forward to working with your modules and your team.

Prashant Sheth Prashant Sheth
asked 08/30/2020 04:51
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Ashish Pachori
replied 08/31/2020 10:57

Is there a way to setup Recurring payment in Paypal and also get a report if the payment was successful or failed? This is for member subscription to DNN portal or group

It is possible with Live Forms and it's extension Paypal Express.

 See to know more:

Is it possible in Social to create paid groups?  

How else could i get this status?

You can assign users to a role on the submission of forms, then on based that role you can create social groups.


Last Activity 08/31/2020 10:57

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