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Live Forms Redirect

Hello my friends. I hope you are well.

I have a question: There is a way to make the redirect on form submission open in another page?  


Than you for your help

Pedro Mosqueda Pedro Mosqueda
Published 05/14/2022 01:18
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elley 1

The other site's path must be provided or signed inside the HTML Form tag's ACTION Attribute if you wish to redirect to another page after the form is submitted. It will OPEN/REDIRECT your Users to the specified Web page and POST/SEND the data from your form to that location.

replied 08/18/2022 06:47
Ashish Pachori
replied 05/16/2022 11:29
Pedro Mosqueda

Thank you for your answer. But it seens the feature is not available according to the documentation.  :-(

replied 05/16/2022 13:01
Ashish Pachori

This feature is available in Live Forms.

You can create redirect action by navigating to Manage > Options > Actions > On Form Submission > Add Action > HTTP > Redirect


What is the difficulty you are facing?

replied 05/17/2022 06:33
Pedro Mosqueda

I need the redirect opens in another page, not the same. Like target="_blank"

replied 05/17/2022 06:42
Ashish Pachori

It is not possible to redirect like Like target="_blank"

Please add this to our Community Ideas

replied 05/18/2022 04:13
Mandeep Singh

You can achieve this by executing a JavaScript on form submission and using a "" method. Keep in mind this is not recommended practice as this will almost always be blocked by popup blockers. 

target="_blank" is only reserved for href links and must the user initiated. It does not apply to a server side (backend) redirect. 

replied 05/18/2022 15:46

Last Activity 08/18/2022 06:47