Community > Ideas
Under Review

Notification Enhancements / Dashboard for exchange / forums

1. It would be great to have a notifications preference module which could be put on a page to allow users to select which notifications that want for each forum, exchange, ideas..etc across a site. When the forum / exchange module is used across many groups, it because a burden to the users to manage and a single dashboard or view would allow the user to quickly set preferences. 

2. A setting in the forum / exchange module for default notification preference would be nice. In other words, allow the admin select if they want users to see all activity, new threads, or individually subscribed threads as a default.  The user could change later but allow the admin to select the default.

armysafety armysafety
published 03/25/2022 12:27

endorsed by
  • TareqMahmud
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Last Activity 03/25/2022 12:27