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Notification Emails

The following only applies if you're using the built-in comments of Live Articles. If you've integrated w/Disqus then you would manage all aspects of comments on

An email notification is automatically sent to the article author when a user leaves a comment. The user can also elect to receive notifications of future comments as well. Both of these email messages use standard wordings which can be further customized using localization.

You can either open the resource file (DesktopModules\LiveArticles\UI\Admin\Settings\App_LocalResources\Comments.ascx.resx) directly using your favorite text editor or use the DNN > Admin > Language feature to edit them.

For changing the comment notification template please find the following keys accordingly:

  • AuthorSubject.Text
    Determines the subject of email sent to author notifying of new comment
  • AuthorBody.Text
    Determines the body of email sent to author notifying of new comment
  • UserBody.Text
    Determines the subject of email sent to end user notifying of new comment
  • UserSubject.Text
    Determines the body of email sent to end user notifying of new comment


Following tokens are available to personalize the emails:

  • [Name]

    Shows the name of user who commented on the article.

  • [Comment]

    Shows the Comments of the article.

  • [Email]

    Shows the email of the user who commented on the article.

  • [Website]

    Shows the website of the user who commented on the article.

  • [Country]

    Shows the country of the user who commented on the article.

  • [Post:Link]

    Renders the link where comments is posted.

  • [Post:Title]

    Shows the title of the article.

  • [Post:Unsubscribe]

    Renders the link which gives ability to user for unsubscribe the comment notification.

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Updated on Wed, 22 Aug 2018 by Khushi Singh