Support Center

Add Subscribers

Subscribers can be added to a list by importing a CSV (Comma Delimited) file or by manually specifying email address (Copy/Paste).


Navigate to Live Campaign module > Lists & Subscribers > Click on Existing List Name > Add Subscribers

Add SubscriberStep1

Add SubscriberStep2

Import CSV File (Inline Content)

You can import a CSV file to bulk add subscribers. CSV file DOES NOT need to be in any particular template or use any specific header names. However, please ensure:

  1. First line must have header names (Such as Email, Firstname, Lastname)
  2. Header names should not have any spaces (Example: Firstname instead of "First name")

Add SubscriberStep3

Click on Choose File and browse your CSV File

Create SubscriberStep4

Next, map your imported data to appropriate data fields. You must have a column with email addresses; in addition, you may specify firstname and lastname.

Create SubscriberStep5

Click on Preview Data and ensure that data has been mapped correctly. Finally, click on Save to finish importing subscribers into list.

Add Manually (Inline Content)

Add SubscriberStep6

Each line must contain an email address & can also include a name, which must be separated from the email address by a comma.

Click on Add Subscribers

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Updated on Wed, 16 May 2018 by Khushi Singh