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Initial Setup Wizard

Setup wizards makes it a breeze to setup and configure your store. Steps include basic store settings, payments, taxes, and shipping. It's super easy to create a demo or sample store and automatically configure

Let's start by making sure that you've installed Live StoreFront and added an instance of the module to a page. Refer to Installation & Activation for details. Setup wizard automatically appears when Live StoreFront is added to a page and you've either activated or continue trial. 


To configure store using setup wizard:

  1. Start by typing in basics such as your Store Name, Address, Email, and Phone Number. Be sure to upload a Logo for your store that appears on invoices and other documents. 

    Next, select a Timezone, Default Currency, Default Dimension, and Default Weight for your store. If you ship to or do business with all countries then select Yes; otherwise, select No and type in each country. 

    Select Yes to include Widgets. This automatically adds Live StoreFront widget modules to the page and automatically configures them with default widgets such as categories, navigation, and mini cart. You can always add, remove, or configure widgets at later time.  

    If you're setting up a store to evaluate the product or to demonstrate the feature and functionality then select Yes for Setup Sample Store. If this will be your production store then select No. 
  2. Select Payment Extensions you would like to configure. Refer to your Payment Extension for necessary credentials and configuration. 
  3. Select Shipping Extensions you would like to configure. Refer to your Shipping Extension for necessary credentials and configuration. 
  4. Select Tax Extension you would like to configure. Refer to your Tax Extension for necessary credentials and configuration. 

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Updated on Sat, 18 May 2019 by Mandeep Singh