Community > Answers

Exchange Latest Version

Is there a list of fixes and upgraded functions for the exchange module? We have 1.2.4 and see that the current version is 3+ What's new?

Intelligent Netware Intelligent Netware
asked 01/07/2022 02:06

Exchange Templates

Which templates do (and do not) allow the answer to be edited by the user? I'm trying to make a couple of custom templates and can not figure out which of the installed templates do not have answer or comment editing, and for how long the edit icon is available. Is there a way to remove any of the tabs from the QuestionAnswer template ( or others) short of rewriting the code?

Intelligent Netware Intelligent Netware
asked 01/11/2022 01:56

Live Forms uploaded files URL's sometimes are LinkClick

Hello, I'm using LiveForms 5.9.18 and I have several forms on my portals and some of them have file uploads. Sometimes the files URL's are LinkClick URL's. Its strange because most of the submissions have plain/normal URL for the files uploaded. I don't understand the pattern because on one form with 3 file upload, in all of them the storage folder is the same, on some submissions one of the file uploads return a linkclick URL, and on other submission this happens with different file upload control. Is there a configuration that can prevent this? I thought linkclicks were ...

J Ponte J Ponte
asked 01/12/2022 20:18

Tahoe 2 Shop Item Star Ratings

Has anyone using Tahoe v2 figured out the fix for the shop star rating CSS? The code should be something like class="three-rating" class="four-rating" class="five-rating" It's not working on the Mandeeps demo either.

Intelligent Netware Intelligent Netware
asked 01/13/2022 18:52

Time until allow edit is disabled in Live Forums and Live Exchange

It seems there is some timer that allows editting of someones topic. Where is that set? Can we get that as an option in the administrative settings of LE and LF

Mariette Knap Mariette Knap
asked 11/16/2017 16:34

Live Forms: HTTP Post the Password

We are inegrating with AWS Cognito User Pool and are trying to use the one-at-a-time sync with the userpool. We need to capture the password to submit to AWS using the HTTP Post function in Live Forms. We are getting a blank value for password. Is there a work around for this? Live Forms: 6.1.4

Michael Betts Michael Betts
asked 01/07/2022 06:24

Disable Gravatar in Live Exchange and Live Forums

I would like to disable Gravatar and only use profile pictures from DNN. How do we do that?

Mariette Knap Mariette Knap
asked 04/09/2018 06:47

Live Articles Drafts

Can anyone tell me how to create drafts in Live Articles? The draft option is in the documentation, but I don't see it in the module.  Thank you.

John Wolf John Wolf
asked 12/25/2021 02:39

Building out Nav for Live Visualizer

I'm building out the Nav for Live Visualizer for some categories using the filter links. How can I put the title of the Category on top of the listing results?

Katherine Prouty Katherine Prouty
asked 11/24/2021 17:53

Live Slider 8.1.4

Hello - we are planning to upgrade to DNN 9.10.2 and would like to know if Live Slider 8.1.4 is fully compatible with it?

Peter Taylor Peter Taylor
asked 12/28/2021 16:16

Porto 4 shortcodes

How and where can I get shortcodes (examples) for Porto 4 ?

superbluesman superbluesman
asked 12/28/2021 11:36

Live Visualizer Print Module

If I turn on the print setting for the module, I can only access that print function with a high authority account. What is the best way to make that available to just registered users? Also, can this be done when I am using the filter string to create the pages? (ie, when I choose food resource category name like food pantry at the end of the string?)

Katherine Prouty Katherine Prouty
asked 11/24/2021 14:45

Enable RATING & FEEDBACK On Livehelpdesk

Hello friends . . . How to Activate the RATING &  FEEDBACK  On LiveHelpDesk ? It is not enabled by default and I do not see it !!! Thanks .

saman kavian saman kavian
asked 12/07/2021 08:24

filling dropdowns in "on form view" actions does not work in https

hello. I have a dropdown for a category in Live Form which should fill dynamically from database. I create an action in form view and put my query to SQL in it. when I call URL with http it works and fills dropdown, but when I call URL with https it does not work and dropdown stays empty. It must work with HTTPS because of security cases. what should I do?

Hanie Frj Hanie Frj
asked 11/30/2021 05:48

How to send priority in http post from live form to live helpdesk?

hello I want to send all parameters of a ticket to help desk from live form via http post. this is my example URL with parameters:   http://localhost/DesktopModules/LiveHelpdesk/Handlers/HttpPost.ashx?portalid=0&mid=1528&secretkey=zZ123456&message=this%20is%20a%20test&fullname=haniehFrj&subject=teeeest&phone=41307000&[email protected]&priority=high&category=firstCategory now my question is that, all of these parameters except priority save into database. How can I post priority via http post? another problem is that when I create dropdown for priority in live form and set its options like Text|Value, text is ok but value set as Text|Value. for example I want to create a dropdown box for priority that its ...

Hanie Frj Hanie Frj
asked 11/29/2021 06:46

Send Attachment from HttpPost to LiveHelpdesk

How should I send the attachment file to the Ticketing system via HTTPpost? What kind of data type is used?

saman kavian saman kavian
asked 11/29/2021 09:21

How can I get an IssueId by submitting an Ticket through an LiveForm Extension

Hello all  I use livehelpdesk and LiveForms and extensions in between How can I get an IssueId by submitting an Ticket through an LiveForm Extension after submitting an Ticket ?

saman kavian saman kavian
asked 11/29/2021 09:26

Caputre UserID on Registration

How can we caputre the UserID on registration using Live Forms, to then use that UserID in an SQL script on Form Submission?

Michael Betts Michael Betts
asked 11/26/2021 11:23

Does anyone have the script that Mandeeps used to filter on the front end in his video?

I'm making a resource database of nonprofit food resources for people in need and I'd like to let the endusers filter by food pantry, referral line, and various other types of programs. I'm able to get the filter url but I'm looking for step by step code to put into Visualizer to create the navigation menu on the top like he showed. (I'm a power user, not a developer.) Anyone have that? Thanks!   Katherine

Katherine Prouty Katherine Prouty
asked 11/24/2021 14:00

Live Visualizer Phone Number

I'm using the mask for live visualizer for the phone number so regular users can update our nonprofit food resource list. In the form itself, I can see the hyphen in the phone number, but on the display side it shows this (781) 9999999 with no hyphen. Is this expected behavior? (Also, when I didn't use the mask and put in the phone number it would sometimes add a 1 and strip the last number and sometimes strip all numbers after the first three.) Thanks for any info!

Katherine Prouty Katherine Prouty
asked 11/24/2021 14:48

Check if value exists

I need to check if someone already submitted a form with a certain email address. If so, they must receive a message... To check this I thought  Form Action > On Form Validation > Execute SQL would be the way to go, and I used this: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM LiveForms_SubmissionInfo WHERE FieldValue = '[email protected]' AND FieldGUID='F9C9CE7A-5494-453F-AFD5-450B2171D4AD'; And beneath that I used IF SQL RESULT Is Not Equal To 0 I also checked this in Management Studio first and it returned 0 befóre the first time I submitted and ...

Keston Pollard Keston Pollard
asked 11/09/2021 13:31

Move Live Forums from one site to another?

Is there a way to move the content of a Live Forums instance from one DNN site to another? I tried using the export/import function found under the Module Settings, but this only copied over the settings. 

AB@Wildlife AB@Wildlife
asked 11/10/2021 19:03

Live Signature - data stored in each field?

Using your Live Signature module - if we upload a PDF and assign text boxes with names - is the data entered in each field stored and can it be retrieved for further action once the signer completes the document?

Wes Adams Wes Adams
asked 11/12/2021 18:22

Conditionally display token in email based on another field - Live Forms

Can we make it so that an email template can use some conditional login to either display or not display another token in the email shown to the user?    

Bryan Bryan
asked 11/10/2021 01:08

Social Group Integration

Hello I noticed that live forums now has the ability to be social group specific in that each social group can have it's own discussions. What are the plans for live exchange, Q&A, live articles and gaming mechanics. Are they going to have the same capability? Also, do you plan on having a native social share module capability like evoq engage. ie: social buttons for users to share a post, blog etc Thanks

carl carl
asked 11/03/2021 20:51
Manage notifications