Support Center

SMS Notifications

Helpdesk can be configured to send out sms notifications.

You should have account on

Get your Account SID and Auth Token by login at then go to  Settings 

Auth Token


Step 1

Navigate to Administration > SMS(in Notification section)

Step 2

Specify Account SID, Auth Token, From# and Notifications options



You can update SMS Notification template in the Shared.resx (\DesktopModules\LiveHelpdesk\Views\App_LocalResources\)

For Example:

Suppose you want to update issue created via Form (Agent Template) then update the Agent_IssueCreatedViaForm.Body field. Similarly if you want to update for User Template then it would be User_IssueCreatedViaForm.Body field.

Note: Refer to Tokens available for the notification templates.

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Updated on Fri, 27 Jul 2018 by Ashish Pachori